36 Beer in Richmond/Lee Graves

464.9 Richmond Beer cvr.indd

Author shot

Lee Graves, known as the RVA Beer Guy tells History Replays Today about the history of brewing beer in the Richmond area.  Richmond is going through a huge boon in local brewing but beer has been in the area since the first English explorers came in 1607. The conversation follows beer from its 19th century brewing culture that was heavily populated by the German immigrants, through prohibition and up to the present day.

Lee Graves writes a column in the Richmond-Times Dispatch and is the author of the book Richmond Beer, A History of Brewing in the River City.

Find out more about Lee Graves or follow him on Twitter @rvabeerguy

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35 Frank Robinson/Lewis Ginter Part 2

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden at Maymont proposal

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden at Maymont proposal

This is the second part of the conversation that focuses on the creation of Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, how it was formed, how it almost never came to be, how it almost became part of Maymont Park, and how it ultimately became what we know now as an amazing park.

You can hear the first part of the conversation here which focuses more on who Lewis Ginter the man was.

If you want to hear more about the history of Maymont Park you can hear it on episodes 20 & 21. 

Find more information about Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden and the Dominion GardenFest of Lights.

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34 Frank Robinson/Lewis Ginter part 1


This episode features Frank Robinson, the President and CEO of Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden talking about Lewis Ginter and his legacy.  Lewis Ginter not only helped shape the tobacco industry in America and built the Jefferson Hotel, but he can also be considered the father of the north side of Richmond, VA.

The link to Lewis Ginter’s blog post that has the picture of the bear cages can be found here.

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32 Wickham House/David Voelkel

Wickham House LOC

On this Episode David Voelkel talks about the 1812 John Wickham House, who its occupants were, about 19th century living in general, and his approach to history in general.  David Voelkel is the Director of Collections and the Elise H. Wright Curator of General Collections at The Valentine.  To hear more about The Valentine listen to episode featuring the museum’s director Bill Martin.

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31 The Virginia Housewife/ Maureen Egan & Susan Winiecki

Mary Randolph author of the Virginia Housewife History FOOD

On this episode of the podcast the topic is Mary Randolph and her book The Virginia Housewife.  Guests Maureen Egan & Susan Winiecki, the owners of Real Richmond Food Tours are also the founders of Fire, Flour, and Fork.  Fire, Flour, and Fork features events that are based on Mary Randolph’s cookbook.

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29 Civil War Balloons/ Bryce Van Stavern

Fair Oaks, Virginia. Prof. Thaddeus S. Lowe replenishing balloon INTREPID from balloon CONSTITUTION

Bryce Van Stavern, the Supervisor of White House Operations at the Museum of the Confederacy discusses the use of balloons for reconnaissance during the American Civil War on this episode.  It can be said this was the first United States Air Force and they flew just outside of Richmond.

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28 Jewry in Richmond/ Grace Zell

Jewish Burial Ground

Richmond is home to the 6th synagogue established in the US and the Jewish community has been a major part of the city’s history.  On this episode, Grace Zell, a Docent and Administrative Assistant at the Beth Ahabah Museum and Archives discusses the story with History Replays Today.

Topics include but are not limited to the earliest days of the city when it’s earliest Jews settled in Church Hill, Judah Benjamin, who has been called the “Brains of the Confederacy”, the Thalhimers who created one of the largest department stores in Virginia, the first jewish burial ground in Virginia and the only Jewish Civil War Burial ground any where.

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27 Baseball and Richmond/ Scott Mayer


On this episode Scott Mayer, co-author of the book Baseball and Richmond, A History of the Professional Game 1884-2000, tells History Baseball in RichmondReplays Today about how the city’s relationship with baseball has changed since the game spread in the 1860’s and how baseball and the city have grown together.

This episode does not cover all of the way to the present day, because the Baseball in Richmond/John O’Conner episode from Oct 2013 covers the Richmond Braves and more on the Diamond.

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22 Public Art/ Paul DiPasquale

Connecticut being moved

12 ft. Clay Process

12 ft. Clay Process of Arthur Ashe Photo use loaned by Paul Dipasquale

Richmond sculptor Paul DiPasquale is the guest on this episode. In Richmond he is best know for his monument for Arthur Ashe on Monument Ave, the Headsman on Brown’s Island and Connecticut which most people know as the Indian that was on the Diamond.

DiPasquale recently finished a police monument and a statue of Neptune on the Virginia Beach Board Walk and a statue of Jimmy Dean.


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Maymont / Dale Wheary Part 1

2009 Exterior 003 5x7

Dale Wheary is the Curator and Director of Maymont Mansion.  She talks about the history of Maymont and James and Sallie Dooley who left their house and estate Richmond.

Quarterman jpeg smallerThere was so much interesting information in this conversation with Wheary that it will be released as a 2 part episode.  This first episode is mostly about the Dooleys and the and the second is mostly about Maymont as a park.  The people and their land is so connected that the topics are only loosely assigned to each episode.  The second part will be released on May 1, 2014.

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Thank you to Maymont for all three of these images.

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