50 Masons’ Hall-Phillip Barnard part 1


Phillip Barnard is the guest on this episode talking about the history of one of the most under rated historic buildings in RVA, Masons’ Hall.  It is one of a handful of 18th century buildings in the area.  During the early days of the city it was an early site for elections and courts, and a one of the sites to house debates on the constitution.

These topics and more are covered in this, part one.  Part 2 mostly covers the building’s role during the War of 1812, the Civil War and beyond.

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43 150th of the Fall of Richmond-Mike Gorman


This special Civil War 150th episode features Mike Gorman, talking about the fall of Richmond that began April 2, 1865 and the evacuation fire that followed.  The fire will destroy somewhere between 800-1000 buildings. The fall of the Capitol of the Confederacy does not end the Civil War but the writing is on the wall.  Gorman is a Historian and Park Ranger with the Richmond National Battlefield Parks.

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40 Ed Ayers

First African Church 1865

Ed Ayers, the President and a History Professor at the University of Richmond is the guest. He discusses some of the complexities of emancipation, what emancipation means in a practical terms, and post Civil War Richmond.  He also discusses why many consider him an internet pioneer in the fields of the humanities.

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37 The VA State Capitol during the Civil War/Mark Greenough Part 1

State Captiol 2

This episode features Mark Greenough, The Tour Supervisor and Historian at the Virginia State Capitol discussing the Virginia State Capitol during the Civil War.  This is part 1 of the conversation focusing on Virginia before secession, secession, the settling of Richmond as the Confederate capital and the Confederate government’s move to Virginia’s Capitol building.

Part 2 will be released on January 15.

This is Greenough’s second appearance on Sate CapitolHistory Replays Today.  On Episode 5 he discussed the move of Virginia’s capital from Williamsburg to Richmond and the construction of Jefferson’s “Temple on the Hill”.  All archived episodes are available for free on iTunes or where ever you listen to podcasts.

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31 The Virginia Housewife/ Maureen Egan & Susan Winiecki

Mary Randolph author of the Virginia Housewife History FOOD

On this episode of the podcast the topic is Mary Randolph and her book The Virginia Housewife.  Guests Maureen Egan & Susan Winiecki, the owners of Real Richmond Food Tours are also the founders of Fire, Flour, and Fork.  Fire, Flour, and Fork features events that are based on Mary Randolph’s cookbook.

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28 Jewry in Richmond/ Grace Zell

Jewish Burial Ground

Richmond is home to the 6th synagogue established in the US and the Jewish community has been a major part of the city’s history.  On this episode, Grace Zell, a Docent and Administrative Assistant at the Beth Ahabah Museum and Archives discusses the story with History Replays Today.

Topics include but are not limited to the earliest days of the city when it’s earliest Jews settled in Church Hill, Judah Benjamin, who has been called the “Brains of the Confederacy”, the Thalhimers who created one of the largest department stores in Virginia, the first jewish burial ground in Virginia and the only Jewish Civil War Burial ground any where.

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26 James River Parks/ Ralph White


Ralph White retired as the Manager of the James River Park System.  It has been said that what we know of today as the James River Park System can be attributed to White.

On this episode, he talks about the history of the James River Park System, the history of the James River and answers some questions from HRT listeners on social media.

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22 Public Art/ Paul DiPasquale

Connecticut being moved

12 ft. Clay Process

12 ft. Clay Process of Arthur Ashe Photo use loaned by Paul Dipasquale

Richmond sculptor Paul DiPasquale is the guest on this episode. In Richmond he is best know for his monument for Arthur Ashe on Monument Ave, the Headsman on Brown’s Island and Connecticut which most people know as the Indian that was on the Diamond.

DiPasquale recently finished a police monument and a statue of Neptune on the Virginia Beach Board Walk and a statue of Jimmy Dean.


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Civil War Life in Richmond- Mike Gorman

Grace St Overlook LOC


Bell Isle Stereograph LOCRichmond has often been called a Civil War town, but how much do we know about the average Richmonder during the tumultuous 4 years that were the Civil War?  This is the first of a series new periodic series called Civil War Life in Richmond.  The series will examine what it would be like for civilians to live in RVA.  This first episode features Historian and Park Guide from the National Park Service Mike Gorman.  Gorman was on episode 10 Lincoln in Richmond.

St Pauls Stereograph

Topics rang from how the newspapers covered daily life in RVA to the reaction to already having a city government, housing the Virginia state government and then mixing in a federal government that was housed in the same building as the state government.

Mike Gorman maintains a fantastic website with a great mount of information about Civil War Richmond.  It can be found at mdgorman.com

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10 Lincoln in Richmond/ Mike Gorman


Lincoln riding through the streets of Richmond

Lincoln riding through the streets of Richmond

Mike Gorman talks to host Jeff Majer about President Abraham Lincoln’s historic trip to Richmond less then 48 hour after the evacuation of the Confederate Government.  The Confederates had held the strong hold in RVA for 4 years and on their way out of town the business district will be set ablaze.

Lincoln in RichmondWhen the President appears on the banks of the James River he will be mobbed by newly freed slaves as he tries to push his way through Shockoe.

Gorman is a historian with the National Park Service and compiles sources about Civil War Richmond at www.mdgorman.com.

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