48 The Confederate Battle Flag’s History – John Coski part 2

This is part 2 of a Conversation with historian John Coski about the history of the Confederate battle flag.   Coski is a historian at the Museum of the Confederacy which is part of the American Civil War Museum.  He is also the author of the book The Confederate Battle Flag: America’s Most Embattled Emblem.

Listen to part 1 of the conversation here.

On this part of the conversation Coski answers questions posed on HRT’s Facebook and Twitter pages and continues the discussion about the battle flags place in history.

As a warning the sound quality is not great on this part but the content is well worth it.

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47 The Confederate Battle Flag’s History – John Coski


On this episode, John Coski talks about the history of the Confederate Battle Flag.  Coski is a historian at the Museum of the Confederacy which is part of the American Civil War Museum.  He is also the author of the book The Confederate Battle Flag: America’s Most Embattled Emblem.  This is a conversation about the history of the flag and why and when it started meaning what it means to people today.

Let me know what you think about the flag on Facebook, Twitter or in the comments bellow.

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43 150th of the Fall of Richmond-Mike Gorman


This special Civil War 150th episode features Mike Gorman, talking about the fall of Richmond that began April 2, 1865 and the evacuation fire that followed.  The fire will destroy somewhere between 800-1000 buildings. The fall of the Capitol of the Confederacy does not end the Civil War but the writing is on the wall.  Gorman is a Historian and Park Ranger with the Richmond National Battlefield Parks.

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40 Ed Ayers

First African Church 1865

Ed Ayers, the President and a History Professor at the University of Richmond is the guest. He discusses some of the complexities of emancipation, what emancipation means in a practical terms, and post Civil War Richmond.  He also discusses why many consider him an internet pioneer in the fields of the humanities.

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37 The VA State Capitol during the Civil War/Mark Greenough Part 1

State Captiol 2

This episode features Mark Greenough, The Tour Supervisor and Historian at the Virginia State Capitol discussing the Virginia State Capitol during the Civil War.  This is part 1 of the conversation focusing on Virginia before secession, secession, the settling of Richmond as the Confederate capital and the Confederate government’s move to Virginia’s Capitol building.

Part 2 will be released on January 15.

This is Greenough’s second appearance on Sate CapitolHistory Replays Today.  On Episode 5 he discussed the move of Virginia’s capital from Williamsburg to Richmond and the construction of Jefferson’s “Temple on the Hill”.  All archived episodes are available for free on iTunes or where ever you listen to podcasts.

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32 Wickham House/David Voelkel

Wickham House LOC

On this Episode David Voelkel talks about the 1812 John Wickham House, who its occupants were, about 19th century living in general, and his approach to history in general.  David Voelkel is the Director of Collections and the Elise H. Wright Curator of General Collections at The Valentine.  To hear more about The Valentine listen to episode featuring the museum’s director Bill Martin.

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30 Shady Civil War Richmond/ Ashley Luskey

Civil War RVA


Ashley Luskey, Park Ranger at the Richmond National Battlefield Parks talks about the under belly of Richmond during the Civil War.  Becoming the Capitol of the Confederacy brings massive change.  The rise in population and social fluctuations brings about prostitution, drunkenness, murder, opportunists, and even cross dressing.  Luskey does many tours including on this topic and will be one of the historians leading tours about the Civil War 150th battles in the area like New Market Heights between 9/27/14-9/30/14.  More information can be found at  http://www.nps.gov/rich/planyourvisit/fortharrison150th.htm

29 Civil War Balloons/ Bryce Van Stavern

Fair Oaks, Virginia. Prof. Thaddeus S. Lowe replenishing balloon INTREPID from balloon CONSTITUTION

Bryce Van Stavern, the Supervisor of White House Operations at the Museum of the Confederacy discusses the use of balloons for reconnaissance during the American Civil War on this episode.  It can be said this was the first United States Air Force and they flew just outside of Richmond.

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