40 Ed Ayers

First African Church 1865

Ed Ayers, the President and a History Professor at the University of Richmond is the guest. He discusses some of the complexities of emancipation, what emancipation means in a practical terms, and post Civil War Richmond.  He also discusses why many consider him an internet pioneer in the fields of the humanities.

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37 The VA State Capitol during the Civil War/Mark Greenough Part 1

State Captiol 2

This episode features Mark Greenough, The Tour Supervisor and Historian at the Virginia State Capitol discussing the Virginia State Capitol during the Civil War.  This is part 1 of the conversation focusing on Virginia before secession, secession, the settling of Richmond as the Confederate capital and the Confederate government’s move to Virginia’s Capitol building.

Part 2 will be released on January 15.

This is Greenough’s second appearance on Sate CapitolHistory Replays Today.  On Episode 5 he discussed the move of Virginia’s capital from Williamsburg to Richmond and the construction of Jefferson’s “Temple on the Hill”.  All archived episodes are available for free on iTunes or where ever you listen to podcasts.

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36 Beer in Richmond/Lee Graves

464.9 Richmond Beer cvr.indd

Author shot

Lee Graves, known as the RVA Beer Guy tells History Replays Today about the history of brewing beer in the Richmond area.  Richmond is going through a huge boon in local brewing but beer has been in the area since the first English explorers came in 1607. The conversation follows beer from its 19th century brewing culture that was heavily populated by the German immigrants, through prohibition and up to the present day.

Lee Graves writes a column in the Richmond-Times Dispatch and is the author of the book Richmond Beer, A History of Brewing in the River City.

Find out more about Lee Graves or follow him on Twitter @rvabeerguy

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30 Shady Civil War Richmond/ Ashley Luskey

Civil War RVA


Ashley Luskey, Park Ranger at the Richmond National Battlefield Parks talks about the under belly of Richmond during the Civil War.  Becoming the Capitol of the Confederacy brings massive change.  The rise in population and social fluctuations brings about prostitution, drunkenness, murder, opportunists, and even cross dressing.  Luskey does many tours including on this topic and will be one of the historians leading tours about the Civil War 150th battles in the area like New Market Heights between 9/27/14-9/30/14.  More information can be found at  http://www.nps.gov/rich/planyourvisit/fortharrison150th.htm

29 Civil War Balloons/ Bryce Van Stavern

Fair Oaks, Virginia. Prof. Thaddeus S. Lowe replenishing balloon INTREPID from balloon CONSTITUTION

Bryce Van Stavern, the Supervisor of White House Operations at the Museum of the Confederacy discusses the use of balloons for reconnaissance during the American Civil War on this episode.  It can be said this was the first United States Air Force and they flew just outside of Richmond.

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17 Shockoe Hill Cemetery/ Jeffry Burden

The History Pug at Shockoe Hill Cemetery

Shockoe Hill Cemetery and the History Pug

John Marshalls Grave

The graves of John and Polly Marshall

Jeffry Burden, who is on the Board of Directors for the Friends of Shockoe Hill Cemetery and is its president tell History Replays Today, The Richmond History Podcast about the first municipal cemetery not affiliated with a church in Richmond.  The cemetery on the north side of RVA, is the final resting place of some amazing Richmonders including John Marshall (the subject of the last episode) and his wife, Elizabeth Van Lew the Union spy, Peter Francisco, the “Giant of the Revolution”, and many Richmonders associated with Edgar Allen Poe.

Elizabeth Van Lew Grave

Elizabeth Van Lew’s grave


Help support or find out more about the Friends of Shockoe Hill Cemetery here.




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Episode 6. Ben Anderson/ Hippodrome Theater

The Hippodrome as it looked when it opened in 1913.  The original building burns.  The fire is covered in the podcast. Photo from Richmond Times-Distpatch

The Hippodrome Theater as it looked when it opened in 1913. The original building burns. The fire is covered in the podcast. Photo from Richmond Times-Distpatch

Ben Anderson, Park Guide for the National Park Service has done intensive research on Richmond’s most famous historic black theater, the Hippodrome.  Anderson has a conversation with host Jeff Majer, about the theater in Jackson Ward.  The theater is celebrating its 100th birthday and the conversation covers almost all 100 years.


The Hippodrome Theater as of 9/14/13, photo by Jeff Majer

The Hippodrome Theater as of 9/14/13, photo by Jeff Majer

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Episode 5. Mark Greenough, Building of the VA State Capitol

State Capitol.  Lawrence Sully. Digital reproduction of wood engraving. Published in Virginia & North Carolina Almanack 1802.

Mark Greenough, Tour Supervisor and Historian at the Virginia State Capitol talks about the early days of the building.  Many folks know that Thomas Jefferson designed the Virginia State Capitol, but the story is far more complicated and dramatic then a founding father dabbling in architecture.

The conversation addresses why the capital of Virginia was moved from Williamsburg to Richmond, why Thomas Jefferson designed the building, why it is where it is, what RVA was like as a young capital and much more.

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Episode 2. Chris Semtner, Curator of the Poe Museum


This is a conversation about Richmonder, Edgar Allan Poe with Chris Semtner, the curator of the Poe Museum in Richmond, VA.  In the conversation Poe becomes a human and not the caricature that most people know as Poe.

Semtner is also a great painter.  His works can be found on http://csemtner.com/

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Episode 1, Harry Kollatz on Richmond in Ragtime

Harry Kollatz

hrt logo

The First Episode of The History Replays Today Podcast.  Harry Kollatz is the guest. He discusses his book Richmond in Ragtime: Socialists Suffragists, Sex and Murder.  Harry is also the Senior Writer at Richmond Magazine and the author of True Richmond Stories.  Both of his books are from History Press.

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